Monday, June 25, 2012

Cherry plum

Botanical name: Prunus cerasifera Ehrh.
Family Rosaceae
  • Latin: Prunus domestica ver. myrobalan Linn;  P. myrobalana (L.) Loisel
  • English: Cherry-plum, Myrobalan Plum
  • French: Prunier myrobalan
  • German: Krischpflaume


Extreme tension and anxiety, the mind is overwrought and driven by unwanted mental impulses and urges.  Escalating fear in regard to losing reason and self-control and engaging in dreaded acts or thoughts.  Fear of insanity; fear of succumbing to phobic reactions, compulsive or addictive patterns.  Compulsive, secretive, ritualistic behavior or thought patterns, with shame and a sense of being different from others.  Mental strain, mental exhaustion, oversensitivity of the senses, unruly thoughts after prolonged mental overexertion.  Mental weakness, dullness, and developmental delay allow for rule of subconscious urges and impulses.  Awakened powers of the subconscious mind which may haunt in nightmares, visions, delusions, and in peculiar mental impulses.  Mental illness, with features of mania and expression of subconscious content; disorders of impulse control; phobias.  Suppressed sexuality; preoccupation with sexual matters; sexual disorders.  Fear of committing homicide or suicide or abuse by use of one’s physical powers that, due to sheer tension, cannot be contained.  Extreme anger that threatens to develop into unreasonable, destructive rage.
Escalating stage fright, with fear of losing all control over performance.
  • MIND – ANTICIPATION – stage fright


Extreme nervousness and tension in the body; rigidity of appearance; trembling; threatened or existing nervous breakdown.  Nervous tics, spasmodic and involuntary gestures, convulsions, speech pathology (explosive stammering); may be triggered by head injury.  Fear of losing control over physical functions, as in epilepsy, stammering, involuntary gestures; this fear may intensify symptoms or even trigger them.  Fear of giving in to addictive pattern, physical strain arising from withdrawal of drugs during rehabilitation.  Extreme pain that drives to despair, with mounting tension, with fear of losing sanity.   [In homeopathic use, the almost identical species of Prunus spinosa (Blackthorn) has been utilized in head pains and urinary troubles of neuralgic origin, marked by suddenness of pain and intense shooting and pressing sensations, not unlike the Cherry Plum dynamic in character. The young buds, just before flowering, are used as medicinal base.]*
  • Grinding of teeth
  • Sexually oversensitive and overactive
  • Self-mutilation
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Tension headaches, cervical, thoracic, and lumbar troubles, dysmenorrhea
  • Hyperkinetic heart syndrome 
  • Chronic cough or ‘protest cough’ 
  • Self-inflicted skin lesions (dermatological artifact
  • Insomnia – initial and intermittent type 
  • Nervous breathing syndrome – ‘respiratory corset’
  • Irritable colon
  • Skin disease (pruritus – compulsive patients)


Impatiens: Intense, escalating nervous strain; nervous breakdown; failing impulse control, temper outbursts; impatience with others, feels more efficient than others; hyperactivity.
Vervain: Overly enthusiastic and driven, can develop into nervous overstrain and nervous breakdown; bad effects from mental overexertion; nervous oversensitivity; failing impulse control; superhuman strength, hyperactivity; obsessive-compulsive tendency.
Crab Apple: Shame at unwanted thought content or actions; despairs over inability to let go of such self-defeating measures; obsessive compulsive, ritualistlc, and fixated thoughts. .
Sweet Chestnut: Despair from unbearable pains in mind or body; suicidal ideation; ritualistic; intense agony and inner torture.
Chestnut Bud: Mental impulses due to immaturity of mind or lack of powers of reason and clarity; hyperactivity.
Cerato: Unwanted thought content, with character of uncertainty and causing confusion and internal embarrassment; confusion of identity, of powers of estimation.
White Chestnut: Fixated thoughts, preoccupation, absorption in thoughts; worries without finding solution; mental overemphasis; obsessive compulsive.
Agrimony: Dichotomy within; does not want to allow disturbing thoughts to rule the mind; efforts at diversion, attempt to stay cheerful and positive in expectancy; pain with restlessness, with effort to ignore it and stay cheerful.
Rock Water: Suppresses desires, denies self-gratification; however, mind is in control, with sense of accomplishment from self-mastery.

Homoeopathic Medicines and Cherry plum

Stramonium (Datura stramonium): Cerebral origin, may stem from a head injury or head-related neurological illness; uncontrolled rage, manic states, with potential to kill; sexual aggression; fear of the dark and of nightmares, of death, of being alone, of animals, of water; nervous tics; stammering; nervous breathing syndrome; spasmodic movements, convulsions; hyperactivity, superhuman strength.
Hyoscyamus niger: May be caused by disappointments in love, also by cerebral accidents; manic, wild, sexually uninhibited behavior; impulses to kill, but usually does not act on them; heightened loquacity and gossiping, suspicion and jealousy; collects things; twitches of eyelids; convulsions; restlessness, hyperactivity, superhuman strength.
Belladonna (Atropa belladonna): Highly sensitive senses and nerves; sudden outbursts of anger with desire to strike; mania with superhuman strength and hallucinations; fear of dogs; grinding of teeth; hypertension, hypertensive crisis; twitching, convulsions; aggravation from hormonal imbalances.
Veratrum album: Mentally overactive and high-strung; children are precocious and show restless, repetitive behavior, for example building and stacking things, often in sophisticated ways; adults are self-righteous, may feel divinely chosen; anger and violence; jealousy, increased sexuality; manic-depressive stages, schizophrenia, hyperactivity; hysterical neurosis; cramps, twitches; dysmenorrhea; coldness of body, especially of hands and feet.
Tarentula hispanica: Mania with superhuman strength and violent destructiveness; great hurriedness and hyperactivity; cunning, disobedient, and manipulative; sexual overactivity; twitches and jerks, hyperesthesia (increased sensitivity to touch), hysterical neurosis; chorea; head injury.
Melilotus (Melilotus alba/Melilotus officinalis): Insanity states, mania; lack of power of concentration; delusions of being pursued, of having to escape, suspicious; loquacity; hypertension; eating of refuse; restlessness, wants to stretch legs; dysmenorrhea; spasms and epilepsy.
Aurum metallicum: Overexerting mentally, serious, depressive; sudden outbursts of anger; suicidal disposition to escape the anguish of life; suicidal from the severity of the pains; manic-depressive; hypertension; head injury.
Argentum nitricum: Weak, anxious, hurried, unsettled, impulsive mind; sudden impulses to do hurtful, strange things to self and others; suicidal impulses; mind precipitates; suggestibility, anxious self-observation; compulsive thoughts and behavior; stage fright; hypertension; twitches and tremors; diarrhea from fright (‘emotional diarrhea’); head injury.


  1. Children in need of the Bach Flower remedy, Cherry Plum are often bed wetters. These children, who keep themselves under tight control during waking hours, let their inner anxieties come to free expression only when there is no conscious bodily control.Bach Flower Remedies

  2. I started on COPD Herbal treatment from Ultimate Life Clinic, the treatment worked incredibly for my lungs condition. I used the herbal treatment for almost 4 months, it reversed my COPD. My severe shortness of breath, dry cough, chest tightness gradually disappeared. Reach Ultimate Life Clinic via their website . I can breath much better and It feels comfortable!
