Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Botanical name: Salix vitellina Linn.
Family: Salicaceae
  • Latin: Salix alba L.  var vitellinea Stokes;  
  • English: Yellow willow, Yellow-stem white willow, Golden osier;
  • French: Osier jaune, , Osier vitellin;
  • German: Dotterweide.


Unhappiness and despair that one believes to be caused by others; sense of having received injustice. Failure to see one’s own share in contributing to the experience of severity. Anger and outrage are usually not expressed adequately and turn into smoldering resentment; feelings become locked-in chronically. Chronic resentment in response to true neglect or abuse by others, with willingness or necessity to forgo rebellion; preoccupation, inability to release disturbing thoughts, even when attempt is made; obsessive-compulsive orientation; psychosomatic complaints from overcompliance and suppression of aggression. Chronic resentment in response to only minor faults of others, while the major portion of guilt or failure resides with oneself; exaggerated and irrational blaming, pointing to a scapegoat, shirking of responsibility; mental illness can develop in extreme cases [fixed ideas, delusions, paranoia, homicidal impulse, factitious disorder and malingering (feigning of illness and procrastination for personal gain), passive-aggressive personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder, disruptive behavior disorder (especially oppositional defiant disorder), borderline personality disorder]. Failure to cultivate a forgiving attitude; in many cases, lack of aspiration toward love and forgiveness; self-righteousness; vindictive urge. Chronic dissatisfaction; lack of fulfillment and purpose; deep-seated sense of having lost grace, of having failed one’s destiny. Bitterness and disillusionment; depression; moroseness; self-pity; sudden venting of acrid feelings or anger. Envy and jealousy at the fortune of others; one feels left out and unfortunate; sensitivity to being offended or humiliated. “Misery seeks company,” relief of unfortunate feeling as others join same fate; joy at the misfortune of others.
  • MIND – FEIGNING – sick; to be 
  • MIND – PITIES herself
  • MIND – SADNESS – embitterment; from


 A facial expression of bitterness; rigidity of posture. Psychosomatic complaints from suppression of aggressive impulses (see below); anger and disgust may arouse visceral and intestinal response (vomiting, colic, ulceration, constipation); intestinal ulceration, irritable colon, and constricted breathing may result from not being able to release and work through resentment (compulsive-obsessive); suppression of aggression for the sake of peace or conforming to rules may lead mainly to hypertension and heart disturbances, breathing disturbances, liver and gallbladder disorders, soft tissue rheumatism and arthritis, connective tissue disease, and complaints from tension.
Depression of vitality from having submerged one’s anger; an organism turned against itself; self-injury or self-mutilation. Insomnia stemming from suppression of aggressive impulses during the waking hours; reemerging of and preoccupation with resentful thoughts in the night. [Related species of Salix vitellina, homeopathically prepared from the bark, have been used in the treatment of rheumatism (Salix nigra, Salix purpurea), the latter being indicated mainly for rheumatic pain in the right acetabulum; these trees contain the active ingredient of salicylic acid which is contained in aspirin and is also employed in the treatment of arthritis.] Tension headaches, cervical, thoracic, and lumbar troubles, dysmenorrhea. Hyperkinetic heart syndrome

  • Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia  
  • Hypertension  Hyperventilation syndrome
  •  Chronic cough or ‘protest cough’  
  • Deep-sighing respiration  
  • Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease  
  • Insulin-dependent diabetes  
  • Constipation 
  •  Liver and gallbladder disturbance  
  • Soft tissue rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis 
  •  Self-inflicted skin lesions (dermatological artifact) 
  •  Insomnia – intermittent type (due to excessive demands and suppression of hostility) 
  •  Skin allergies Skin disease (pruritus – compulsive patients)
  •  Nervous breathing syndrome – ‘respiratory corset’ 
  •  Gastric and duodenal ulcers – patients with character neurosis  Irritable colon 


 Holly: Anger and irritability, expressed usually or withheld; strong emotions of hatred, revenge, jealousy, envy.
 Beech: Fault-finding, criticism, blaming others; intolerance.
 Crab Apple: Feelings of disgust for another; self-disgust from contact or cooperation with that other.
 Chicory: Self-pity and blaming others when the expected gratitude or recognition after service done is not rendered; feigning of illness and malingering for personal gain (also Heather, Chestnut Bud, Vine).
 White Chestnut: Fixated thought patterns; cannot let go of troubling experiences; obsessive-compulsive.
 Wild Rose: Shuts down emotionally after unfavorable experiences, yet no active resentment; resignation and apathy determine the attitude.
 Agrimony: Submerged resentment; inner dissatisfaction, yet capacity to stay cheerful; no true psychological release, yet suppression of aggression through diversion, denial, social kindness.
 Vine: Assumes right to express anger and resentment after having experienced humiliation or disrespect; manipulates others actively or    passively; disruptive behavior disorder; feigning of illness and malingering.

Homoeopathic Medicine  and  Willow

 Natrum muriaticum: Chronic resentment, locked-in bitter feelings after grief or severity; compulsive, depressed, vulnerable; obsessive dwelling on adverse past experiences; migraines; breathing difficulties and sighing, as if caused by internal tension; arrhythmia; hypertension; gastric ulcer; diabetes; colitis; inflammatory bowel disease and irritable bowel syndrome; constipation; connective tissue disease; lower back pain; urticaria (skin allergies), eczema, (psoriasis); insomnia; (great thirst, craving for salt).
  Colocynthis (Cucumis colocynthis): Self-righteous and proper; anger and resentment from being slighted or humiliated; headaches; acute attack of abdominal cramping pain and cholecystitis from withheld indignation, better bending double; constriction in larynx, oppressed breathing, ‘protest cough’; gastroenteritis; irritable bowel syndrome; dysmenorrhea; insomnia from indignation.
 Carcinosin: Suppressed resentment and withheld rebelliousness after abuse; easily feels guilty, is sensitive and sympathetic; children suffer from being reprimanded; headaches deep inside the brain; oppression of the chest; abdominal pain with amelioration from bending over (same modalities as Colocynthis); diabetes; colitis; constipation and rectal prolapse; dysmenorrhea; acne; sleeplessness from thoughts.
  Sepia officinalis: Indifference toward family members, with underlying resentment that is vented in harsh, cutting remarks; self-pity, depression; feels overwhelmed and treated unfairly; internal stagnation of emotions; headaches and migraines; oppression of chest; gastritis; gastric ulcer; liver and gallbladder pathology; constipation; connective tissue disease; pruritus ani, (psoriasis); restless sleep.
 Pulsatilla nigricans: Originally gentle and seeking affection; disillusionment and disgust toward the other set in as needs are not met; resentment and self-pity (cf. Chicory), depression; headaches and migraines; oppression of chest, cramp-like constriction; violent heart palpitations; gastritis; jaundice; visceral response of disgust after experience of abuse or neglect; dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea; connective tissue disease; urticaria (skin allergies), (psoriasis); insomnia from recurring thoughts.
 Staphisagria (Delphinium staphisagria): Seeks to be gentle, yet internal resentment builds up as others exploit the kindness; sudden vehement outbursts release deep-seated sense of having been treated unfairly; may throw things; depression; headaches with wooden or blocked sensation; contractive oppression and agitation in chest, ‘protest cough’; heart palpitations; gastric ulcer; constipation; connective tissue disease; (psoriasis); insomnia from mental overactivity.
 Platinum: Condescends against and resents others, especially if they infringe too closely; needs excitement and recognition; being thwarted creates frustration and antipathy; impulses to stab even those loved best; suppressed anger causes numbness, spasms, constrictive headaches/ migraines, neuralgias, anxious and spasmodic constriction of chest, dysmenorrhea; (band-like, constrictive sensations around many parts of the body such as the thighs); constipation.
 Rhus toxicodendron: Becomes rigid emotionally, even malicious; originally restlessly joyful and prone to jesting; complaints from overexertion and anger; compulsive-obsessive; fear of killing someone; headaches; heart palpitations; hyperkinetic heart syndrome; connective tissues disease, rheumatism; low back pain; urticaria (skin allergies).
  Ignatia amara: Holds resentment within after disappointment and grief; initially fails to communicate and express emotions; depression, moroseness; with time, recriminations and accusations toward others are forthcoming; headaches and migraines; deep-sighing respiration; hyperventilation syndrome; arrhythmia; rectal spasms, irritable colon; arthritis; low back pain; insomnia or excessive need to sleep from recalling of grievous event.
Aloe socotrina: Holds grief and rebellion against being treated unfairly within; complies and continues to cooperate; intestinal disturbances “speak”
 of the withheld disappointment, sacrifice, and resentment (from author’s case observation); headaches in forehead; heat and congestion in the liver; colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, diarrhea with urging at 5 a.m. ; low back pain; crowding of thoughts on going to sleep.

Wild rose

Botanical name: Rosa canina Linn.
Family: Rosaceae
  • English: Dog rose, Hip-rose;
  • Spanish: Escaramujo, Rosal silvestre;
  • French: Eglantier;
  • German: Hagebuttenstrauch.


 Lack of inner liberty and joy; lack of spontaneity and exuberance.  Wishes, dreams, and longings are submerged.  Stifled, dormant, subdued vital urges; lack of assertiveness. Apathy and resignation, lack of interest in surrounding reality. Monotonous way of talking, flat affect, unimaginative (schizophrenia, schizoid personality disorder, developmental disorders, psychosis).
Stagnant inner potentials and lack of creativity. Does not expect to be favored by fate, does not rely on divine providence; general negative expectancy.  Does not seek active engagement in stimulation and recreational diversion. Depressive tendency; emotional deadlock; may come on after grief or disappointed love; cannot release the emotional hurt which then becomes submerged. May be taciturn, secluded, and not seeking to share personal concerns with others. The Wild Rose state may follow a period of rebelliousness against one’s fate, with subsequent recognition of the futility of the efforts and resignation. Resignation may serve as self-protection, so as not to touch at old wounds. The Wild Rose state may not necessarily be apparent in all aspects of life.
  • MIND – AMBITION – loss of


Lack of incentive to live during life-threatening illness. Lack of interest in healthful routines that are to further recuperation or prevent illness during healthy times. Lethargy, listlessness, lack of energy and elan, flat affect. Subdued vitality; vital needs are not recognized; for example, lack of sexual interest. Declining sexual interest and sexual power after disappointment in love; women may cease menses. Lack of appetite; emaciation. Intestinal ulceration from submerging of conflicts and from coping silently. Breathing disturbances from sunken vitality, from lack of personal empowerment and lack of self-determination; sighing.  Sensorial depression; may feel, hear, see, taste imperfectly (cf. Clematis). Insensitivity to pain. Lack of vital heat. Loss of hair or nails.
 Diseases from suppression of symptoms. (In gemmotherapy, a medicinal approach using young shoots and buds of plants, Rosa canina has been employed in the treatment of headaches and migraines that have shown resistance to standard treatment and tend to show an allergic component; the remedy enhances adrenal cortical stimulation, while also calming the nervous system. In herbal preparation, rose hips make a tart, stimulating tea.)
  • Susceptibility to pulmonary tuberculosis   
  • Asthma with inspiratory difficulties – ‘singultus’
  • Skin disease (atopic dermatitis – infantile eczema)
  • Gastric and duodenal ulcers – dependent patients
  •  Nervous breathing syndrome – ‘respiratory corset’


 Gorse: Lack of vitality, lack of desire to live during life-threatening illness; no more hopes and joys.
 Gentian: Lack of perseverance during endeavors; is not actively seeking all avenues to improve an unfavorable lot; faithlessness.
 Clematis: Does not find fulfillment in the present; dreams of a future happiness; sensorial depression.
 Honeysuckle: Has given up belief in finding a present or future happiness, reminisces of gone-by past happiness.
 Mustard: Lack of joy, lack of incentive; broods in seclusion; depression.
 Centaury: Subdued inner potential from serving in wrong situation, often under the influence of domineering person(s).
 Star of Bethlehem: Standstill of emotions after shock or trauma.
 Elm: Feels unable to overcome obstacles; work appears overwhelming; may resign.

Homoeopathic Medicine  and  Wild rose

Phosphoricum acidum: Stagnant emotions, apathy, resignation; effects of grief, shock, or disappointed love; impaired memory (mental debility); subdued despair; listlessness; lack of sexual interest or power; (diabetes; great thirst for refreshing, juicy drinks); what appears to be a depleting and debilitating chronic diarrhea leaves no detrimental marks on overall constitution, “as if body was indifferent”; colitis; skin conditions; hair loss;  emaciation.
 Helleborus niger: Sensorial depression; cannot see, hear, or taste correctly; thoughtless, apathetic stare; answers slowly; may come on after disappointment in love; involuntary sighing, constricted chest, with anxiety; suppressed menses and lack of sexual interest from disappointed love; ulcerative colitis; loss of hair and nails; may come on after suppression of eczema or after head injury.
 Crotalus cascavella: Magnetic stare; indifference; thoughts preoccupy with death; hallucinations; sensorial depression, especially diminished hearing; chest feels as if encased in iron armor; suffocative feeling with dread; colon/rectum irritation.
  Opium (Papaver somniferum): No desires or needs; depressive, drowsy stupor; general insensibility of the nervous system; may experience pleasant and also frightful hallucinations; state may come on after fright; stertorous breathing; vomiting and colic; chronic constipation and suppressed menses from fright or trauma; emaciation; chronic fatigue.
 Conium maculatum: Apathy, indifference, general lack of interest in the world; may come on from grief or sexual suppression; spasmodic colic; (hardening of glands); lack of natural vital heat.
 Natrum phosphoricum: Indifference and apathy in regard to loved ones; lack of incentive and aversion to work; desire to be silent, tranquility; sadness and depression; acidic stomach, gastric ulcer; worse from sugar and fat; lassitude.
 Stannum metallicum:  Anxious discouragement and general debility; indecisive and subdued; dreads seeing people; great fatigue after conversation, too weak to talk; tendency to tuberculosis; cramp-like colic; emaciation.
  Cadmium metallicum: Indifference and disinterest in seeing anyone; internal stagnation, yet irritability; ulcerative colitis; low vital reactions, lassitude, deficient digestion, lack of vital heat.
 Ignatia amara: After severe disappointments and grief, this remedy state can develop a Wild Rose tendency; taciturn reaction, the psychological pain is held within (spasms and cramps throughout the organism from the supression of emotions); sighing, singultus (inspiratory difficulties) after grief or after affection has not been returned.
 Mezereum (Daphne mezereum): Indifference and apathy; irresolution; hearing loss; anxiety is felt in the stomach region; gastritis, gastric ulcer; infantile eczema (purulent matter exudes from underneath crusts); lack of vital heat, great sensitiveness to cold air.

Wild oat

Botanical name : Bromus ramosus Hudson.
Family : Graminae
Synonyms :
  • Latin : Bromus asper Murray;
  • English: Wild oat, Hairy or Wood borme-grass.


 Feels the urge to find a path, to follow a mission or calling. Inability to decide on a direction; failure to perceive own potentials. May start an endeavor, but does not see it through. Decreased motivation to apply own self to ongoing tasks. Lack of active concentration and receptivity.  Seeks stimulation, fulfillment, and avoidance of responsibility through travel and diversion. Bored, unfulfilled, or even disillusioned under present circumstances. Lack of joyful anticipation, lack of joy of accomplishment. Capriciousness; nothing satisfies, yet longing inclination persists. Children show disinterest in play; adults find less and less gratification in diversion and recreation; may go to extremes of stimulation. Dissatisfaction, moodiness, frustration, depressive tendencies, feelings of meaninglessness, and lethargy. Wild Oat increases motivation and incentive in retardation and in mental illness with organic dysfunction.
  • MIND – AMBITION – loss of


 Physical lethargy, depressive tendencies, dullness of intellect. Lack of elan in mind and body.
 Gives maximum increase in motivation despite physical limitations in organic mental syndromes and disorders, in mental retardation, after head injuries. Lack of appetite or overindulgence in food from inner sense of boredom and dissatisfaction; capriciousness of appetite; eating disorders. Lack of sexual interest or excessive sexual activity from aimlessness and boredom. Lack of interest in a healthful diet or exercise routine may lead to obesity, peptic ulcer, non-insulin-dependent diabetes which may develop into insulin-dependent diabetes.
  • Obesity  
  • Peptic ulcer 
  • Non-insulin-dependent diabetes  
  • Eating disorder (anorexia nervosa)


 Gentian: Starts an endeavor and gives up prematurely from discouragement, as first obstacles arise.
 Agrimony: Restless and unfulfilled, yet does not want to acknowledge; seeks stimulation and diversion to be able to ignore inner pressures.
 Cerato: Uncertainty of personal expression, though definite path may have been found.
 Clematis: Looks to the future for fulfillment; finds no incentive in the present.
 Honeysuckle: Lack of motivation and purpose due to reminiscing about the happiness of the past.
 Wild Rose: Follows a meaningless path, but has no urge to find a purposefull direction.
 Chestnut Bud: Immaturity prevents ripening of the awareness of one’s potentials.
 Centaury: Lack of personal fulfillment and actualization of potentials due to having surrendered own ambition to the dutiful service of others.
 Oak: Stoic pursuance of work, without joyful incentive.
 Larch: Work does not appeal because of lack of self-confidence

Homoeopathic Medicine  and  Wild oat

Baryta carbonica: Irresolute and disinterested in pursuing endeavors; children do not want to play; lack of intellectual pursuits; mental and physical retardation; obesity; (constipation).
Calcarea phosphorica: Chronic dissatisfaction and lack of incentive, but desire to travel or be off somewhere; may come on after grief; peptic ulcer; diabetes; (weak digestion).
Helonias dioica: Tendency to indolence and seeking stimulation in luxury; no true incentive to work or apply to a path; self-absorbed; exercise, intellectual activity, and occupation of any kind ameliorate (cf. Agrimony); lost appetite; eructations, irritability, and burning of stomach; diabetes, especially beginning stage of diabetes.
Graphites: Feels stifled within, not inclined to put thoughts into action; mental and physical lethargy and lack of incentive; yet, worries and nervously shifts within; peptic and duodenal ulcers, cancer of pylorus; obesity.
Lachesis muta: Does not want to attend to duty, especially in the morning hours, more motivated at night; feels drawn away from duty, wants to be off somewhere; unfulfilled, restless longings; sexual emphasis; peptic ulcer; diabetes.
Fluoricum acidum: Lively and buoyant, seeks self-gratification; does not realize responsibility toward loved ones; capricious appetite; peptic ulcer.
Pulsatilla nigricans: Capriciousness and changeability of mood; seeks satisfaction through receiving attention and love; capricious appetite, often seeks the very things that give aggravation, such as creamy or rich foods; peptic ulcer; anorexia nervosa.
Carbo vegetabilis: Moody, apathetic, ill-tempered; harsh, critical remarks and demanding attitude toward others due to internal discontent; inclination to seek diversion and excitement to overcome internal apathy and frustration; lack of interest in healthful routines; peptic ulcer; non-insulin-dependent diabetes from faulty diet; sexually indifferent; obesity and sluggishness.

White chestnut

Botanical name : Aesculus hippocastanum Linn.
Family : Hippocastanaceae
Synonyms :
  • Latin: Hippocastanum vulgare Gaertn;
  • English: White chestnut;
  • Spanish; Castano de India;
  • French: Marronnier d’inde;
  • German : Gemeine Rosskastanie.


 Mentally preoccupied and worried; cannot release worrisome thoughts; absent-mindedness.
 Unsolvable problems haunt the mind; cyclical thoughts without conclusion. Thought content may be laden with anxiety and apprehension. Conscientiousness. Fixated thoughts or thought patterns, obsessive-compulsive preoccupation, ritualism, irrational exaggeration; (persistent delusions).
 hronic introspection; internal arguments and conversation; theorizing. Finds own self internally preoccupied while interacting with others; may feel remorse from not having paid true attention.
 During joyful or recreational endeavors, worrisome thoughts may interfere and stifle the joy of the moment. Intensity of the mind; overexertion of the “mental muscle.” Lack of mental peace and serenity; lack of tranquility, longs for release and repose. Excessive self-observation in regard to mental/emotional or physical symptoms; feels caught within own self.
  • MIND – CHEERFULMIND – TALKING – himself, to
  • MIND – THOUGHTS – rapid


Tightening of the forehead and region between the eyes from worry and internal preoccupation; frontal headaches. Premature loss of clarity of eyesight; the nerves supplying the eyes are affected.
Lack of a calm and serene gaze. Non-release of worry and preoccupation can result in chronic “indigestion” and affect the gastrointestinal tract (gastralgia, hypermotility, ulcers, pylorospasms, gastrointestinal pain, enterocolitis, irritable colon). Excessive worrisome observation of symptoms, with likely worsening of symptoms therefrom. Grinding of teeth from working through worrisome thought content. Insomnia from failure to release disturbing thoughts. Overactivity of the mind from engorgement of veins and congestion of blood to the head; hypertension. (Aesculus hippocastanum, the homeopathic medicine prepared from the ripe kernel, concerns with a symptom picture  of failure to focus the mind, irritability, excessive congestion of blood, and engorgement of veins.* In gemmotherapy, by utilization of the young shoots or buds of the plant, this remedy addresses hemorrhoids.) It appears that in nervy, as opposed to plethoric patients, White Chestnut may cause a certain lightness or “emptiness” of the mind, and the remedy Clematis may be indicated in addition. 
  • Hypertension  
  • Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease  
  • Insomnia – intermittent type (due to excessive demands and suppression of hostility) 
  • Cardiac neurosis 
  • Nervous breathing syndrome – ‘respiratory corset’ 
  • Gastric and duodenal ulcers – patients with character neurosis Irritable colon


 Mimulus: Worrisome, anxious concern in regard to certain fear-arousing situations; anxious observation of symptoms, excessive self-observation.
 Cherry Plum: Fixated, recurring thoughts with shocking, unwanted content.
 Scleranthus: Mental overstimulation; worries excessively from having to decide between two options.
 Agrimony: Wants to avoid facing issues and problems, denies them or pushes them within, from where they reassert as continued, unsettling worry.
 Mustard: Depressive introspection; brooding.
 Crab Apple: Fixated, exaggerated preoccupation with personal flaws or shortcomings; unable to release disturbing thoughts.
 Sweet Chestnut: Despair and morbid preoccupation with the meaninglessness of life.
 Elm: Burdened and overwhelmed by excessive tasks ahead; the mind cannot gain an overview and is subdued by worry.
 Vervain: Overwrought, nervous state; the mind grips a topic and does not let go; restlessly motivated to put thoughts into action.

Homoeopathic Medicine  and  White chestnut

Natrum muriaticum: Introspection and grief; internalization of grief; dwells on past disagreeable occurrences, harbors resentment; headaches from preoccupation with grief; breath is short and tight; hypertension; heart palpitations causing anxiety; gastric ulcer, gastritis, inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome; sleeplessness from disturbing thoughts.
Camphora (Laurus camphora): Desire to be diverted from thoughts about own self, fear of own thoughts; anxiety about salvation; abstraction of the mind; feels isolated; manic impulses (cf. Cherry Plum); constrictive headaches in occiput and above root of nose, improves on thinking about it; suffocating oppression of chest; palpitations and anxiety at heart, heart can be heard striking against the side; dysentery; (coldness, blueness); sleeplessness from nervous excitement, anxious restlessness, while thinking of the morning hours.
 Oxalic acid: Worsening of symptoms from thinking about them (opposite of Camphora); spasmodic breathing, with constricted larynx and chest; heart symptoms that are worse from thinking about them; gastralgia, pyrosis (heartburn), colic, diarrhea; wakes from nightmares and heart palpitations.
 Glonoine: Recalls past grievances; great mental agitation, with headache; desire to take a deep breath, congestion to and oppression of chest; violent heart palpitations, pulsations over whole body; hypertension; gnawing in stomach, nausea, colic, diarrhea; venous constitution.
 Belladonna (Atropa belladonna): Overactivity of the mind; patient is oblivious to surroundings, caught in own mental activity; visual hallucinations; migraines located in forehead, right temple, occiput; general venous congestion and pulsation; hypertension; (menopausal flushes); sleeplessness from overactivity of thoughts and pulsating blood vessels.
 Spigelia anthelmia: Worrisome thoughts of the future; fixated fear of pins (Silica); pain below frontal eminence and temples; excessive observation of symptoms; cardiac neurosis; colic, diarrhea; ineffectual urging for stool (irritable colon); (sensitive to pain, neuralgic pains)

Water violet

Botanical name : Hottonia palustris L. Per.
Family : Primulaceae
Synonyms :
  • English : Water violet, European featherfoil;
  • French: Plumeau, Hottonie des marais;
  • German: Sumpfprimel.


Reserved dignity. Refined and perceptive; may have evolved personality; advanced spiritually.
 Feelings of superiority and pride, feels endowed due to personal achievement or high birth.
 Spiritual pride; religious arrogance; feels favored or chosen, due also to true personal growth.
 May have endured suffering and grown from it on a spiritual level. Perceives most others as immature or less experienced; does not feel the urge to associate with those others beyond necessary social encounters. Lack of easy comradery, lack of spontaneity; aloofness; eccentricity, extravagance. Highly refined, also sensitive to impressions and emotionally vulnerable; secret fear of rejection in intimate relations. Internal contradiction; need for closeness opposes the fear of losing one’s independence or of getting hurt in one’s pride. Does not tolerate humiliations, defends by heightened aloofness and by distancing from the offender in superiority. Nourishes self in seclusion; individualistic endeavors; does not seek dependence on others.  May be calm in emergencies and keep a good overview; in charge of own self; intellect rules over emotions when situation calls for it or as a chronic tendency.
  • MIND – FORSAKEN feeling 


 Sensation of being elevated or floating; ethereal feeling, mentally “spaced-out.”  Ailments from suffering in reserved silence, from not asking for help, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.
 Musculoskeletal disorders from mental/emotional rigidity and aloofness. Skin allergies from internal opposition between need for intimacy and simultaneous need for independence.
  • Psychosomatic diseases in overly intellectualized patients  
  • Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease 
  • Soft tissue rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis 
  • Skin allergies


 Beech: Superiority; feels entitled to establish standards and criticize others for their shortcomings.
 Vine: Eccentricity and superiority; does not tune into others; self-centered ruthlessness.
 Clematis: Feels elevated, “spaced-out”; spiritual longing.
 Rock Water: Feels superior and accomplished due to having mastered important lessons on the spiritual path; wants to inspire others to do likewise.

Homoeopathic Medicine  and  Water violet

Palladium: Feels special and seeks to be admired; deems own self to be superior to others and worthy of special deference; easily wounded pride; rheumatic pains in right shoulder and right hip.
 Veratrum album: Extravagant, with haughty motives behind ideas and actions; feels religiously endowed and chosen for messianic purposes; fainting and vertigo; gastroenteritis and colitis; muscular cramping (coldness); skin allergies (miliary eruptions and hives).
 Sulphur: Eccentric and self-absorbed; tends to theorize and intellectualize; religious preoccupation; feels worthy of deference and admiration; (gastric ulcer); colitis; arthritis, connective tissue disease, rheumatism (hip joint disease); skin allergies.
 Lachesis muta: Haughty and arrogant; may feel exalted, feels pride in one’s intellectual work and spiritual achievement; may use elevated, well-chosen language; (gastric ulcer); colitis; shortening of tendons (sciatica); connective tissue disease; (skin conditions).
 Arsenicum album: Feels refined and superior; gains pride from sense of accomplishment and from establishing purity, cleanliness, organization and order; gastric ulceration, gastroenteritis; rheumatism; skin allergies.
 Chelidonium majus: Work-oriented and often accomplished; self-righteousness; feels superior to others due to ability for self-control and lack of indulgence in emotions; underlying need for belonging; rheumatic complaints; hive-like skin eruptions.
 Kali carbonicum: May develop pride in own ability for self-control and high degree of loyalty to tasks; does not give in to emotions; gastrointestinal ulceration; rigidity of skeletal system; arthritis, connective tissue disease; skin allergies (hives).
 Kali bichromicum: Does not like to be interfered with by others, to associate with others; takes pride in being independent; prefers to work in seclusion, at own pace; does not indulge in emotions; intestinal ulceration; rheumatism, wandering arthritis; skin conditions.


Botanical name : Juglans regia Linn.
Family : Juglandaceae
Synonyms :
  • Latin: Juglans regia var. sinensis C. DC.;
  • English: English Walnut, European walnut, Persian walnut
  • Spanish: Nogal;
  • French: Noyer d’ Europe, Noyer commun, Noix commune;
  • German: Gemeiner Walnussbaum.


Heightened impressionability and suggestibility. The inner center of stability is not fortified; outside impressions reach the very core of the person. Lack of internal discerning and evaluating power. Wrong ideals, trends and fads bend the soul and create “shallow dreams,” do not further a healthy self-esteem; (for example, eating disorders are often based on achieving the desired imagined slim look). Increased susceptibility to peer pressure; succumbing to detrimental actions or habits. Easily mesmerized and misled by forceful or ominous persons; easily prone to admiration of others, may even adopt their way of talking and moving. Unwholesome impressions, such as witnessing crimes or accidents, leave a deep mark, disturb inner peace, create an anxious tendency. Vulnerable to being abused or treated with force; suffers deeply. Easily impressed emotionally, may overreact; (nervous, hysterical overreactions). Easily stirred in one’s imagination, prone superstitions, forebodings; readily subjected to “ghost terror” or nightmares; (clairvoyance; delusional disorders of being possessed or impinged upon root in this psychological lack of boundaries). Increased dependability on structure, as life’s stability gives frame of reference to the vulnerable inner self. During important transitions of life, as one structure exchanges with another, Walnut breaks the link and creates positive adaptability; the remedy gives protection from misguiding influences during the transitional phase.
  • MIND – CONCENTRATION – difficult 
  • MIND – CONFUSION of mind – morning
  •  MIND – CONFUSION of mind – eating – amel.
  •  MIND – DELUSIONS – floating – air, in
  •  MIND – DELUSIONS – flying
  •  MIND – DELUSIONS – head – floating
  •  MIND – DELUSIONS – intoxicated – is; he
  •  MIND – DELUSIONS – poisoned – he – has been
  •  MIND – DELUSIONS – vertigo – having vertigo
  •  MIND – DISCONTENTED – evening
  •  MIND – EXCITEMENT – evening – bed, in
  •  MIND – EXCITEMENT – wine – as from
  •  MIND – IRRITABILITY – evening
  •  MIND – MENTAL EXERTION – aversion to
  •  MIND – RESTLESSNESS – bed – tossing about in 


May appear ethereal and fragile, easily impressed and shaken. Mentally “spaced-out,” feels as if uplifted or floating.  Clairvoyant lucidity. Low nerve stamina; impressions disturb and “unnerve” from deep within. As mental impressions are not assimilated well, there are also nutritional failures or sensitivities of assimilation.  Eating disorders.  Tendency to allergic reactions, general oversensitivity of the organism.  Chemical sensitivities such as overreactions to smell, to fluorescent light, to computers and radiation (may be related to thyroid imbalances); sensitive to atmospheric changes.  Hemorrhages.  Gastric and duodenal ulcers from being overly impressed by the advantage of others, while having lack in one’s own life. Spinal instability; instability of posture Sexual hypersensitivity and pathological arousal from sexual impressions. (In homeopathic use, Juglans regia has been employed in states of oversensitivity, especially in regard to the skin; an intoxicated feeling of floating in air has been observed among the symptoms.* In gemmotherapy, by use of the plant’s young shoots or buds, this remedy has been found of value in varicose ulcers and skin infections such as impetigo and infected eczema.)
  • Gastric and duodenal ulcers – overambitious patients 
  • Liver and gallbladder disturbance
  • Any physical illness based on conversion disorder (or hysterical neurosis, conversion type)  
  • Skin allergies  
  • Eating disorders (anorexia nervosa and bulimia)


Aspen: Overly prone to superstitions, forebodings, irrational fears; heightened nervous sensitivity and anxiety; lack of boundaries of consciousness.
Cerato: Lack of inner stability and decisive power, lack of discerning and evaluating capacity; easily influenced by others, often to the core of identity; easily swayed. and impressed.
Agrimony: Cannot withstand negative news or impressions, does not “digest and assimilate” unwholesome experiences and impressions; attempts to  suppress or ignore them.
Centaury: Easily mesmerized and swayed by forceful personality, serviceable attitude.
Water Violet: Vulnerable to outside impressions; finely tuned receptivity, yet feels superior and aloof.
Clematis: Prone to live by dreams and neglect reasonable application to reality; easily impressed and unnerved by sensory impressions; clairvoyance.
Wild Oat: Prone to lack of direction and stability; lack of motivational direction and clarity of purpose.
Cherry Plum: Oversensitive to outside impressions; sensory and nervous vulnerability; heightened sensitivity to sexual impressions.

Homoeopathic Medicine  and  Walnut

Phosphorus: Ethereal and clairvoyant; easily impressed by sensory impact, as well as by other persons, even assumes the idiosyncrasies of others; hysterical overreactions; fear of the unseen world, forebodings; sensitive to thunderstorms; failure of nutritional assimilation; gastric ulcer; congestion of liver, hepatitis, jaundice (yellow spots on abdomen); allergies; chemical hypersensitivity; environmental illness; easily diffusing strength of mind/emotions and body; hemorrhages; nightmares.
Thuja occidentalis: Personal uncertainty, coupled with heightened impressionability; yields to peer pressure; may be drawn to parapsychological phenomena; soul feels as if separating from body; prone to feeling fragile and sensitive in mind/emotions and body; music causes weeping and trembling; bulimia; painful pressure in hepatic region; allergies.
Argentum nitricum: Suggestibility and impressionability; mental thought processes unstable and erratic, sudden impulsive thinking; forebodings and superstitions, complaints from anticipation; gastric ulcer; nervous depletion; sensitivity to external impressions; yellowish skin.
Natrum carbonicum: Difficulty processing and assimilating ideas and mental impressions; overly sensitive to certain persons, to music; hysterical overreactions; failure of food assimilation; food allergies, sensitive to milk; gastric ulcer; chronic inflammation of liver; sensitivity to the sun and to atmospheric changes; nervous depletion; jaundice.
Kali phosphoricum: Overly fatigued mentally, often after prolonged effort;  sensitive and irritable in face of stimuli; unfavorable reactions to hearing of bad news or catastrophes; hysterical overreactions; gastric ulcer; food intolerances; region of liver is tender on pressure; vital depletion after chemotherapy or cancer surgery; nightmares.
Cannabis indica: Clairvoyance, ecstatic states, delusions; out-of-body experiences; hazy thinking; lacks direction, disoriented in life, lack of sense of identity; sensation as if floating in air; symptoms come on from loss of structure, for example when moving or traveling; sensitive to coffee, alcohol, and tobacco; nightmares.
Asarum europaeum: Hypersensitive to stimuli, especially to scratching or penetrating noise; intense nervous erethism; feels as if floating in air; mere imagination arouses nervousness and anticipatory fears; overly conscientious; hysterical overreaction; anorexia nervosa; [food allergies, especially to eggs; failure to assimilate, especially calcium; heightened amounts of copper in organism (nutritional aspects from author's case observation)]; chemical hypersensitivity.
Antimonium crudum: Overly impressed by romantic, sentimental content, especially aroused by moonlight; even driven to suicide from exposure to moonlight and from underlying sense of being unfulfilled or from loathing life; nervous sensitivity; also shows great sensitivity to the sun, to cold bathing; very easily disturbed digestion; cannot tolerate sour food, yet craves it; gastric ulcer.
Colchicum autumnale: Suffers deeply from being abused, very vulnerable to impressions; odors are not tolerated, specifically the odors of eggs and fish create nausea; also bright lights and the misbehavior of others disturb mental peace; (gastroenteritis); pain over liver; (gouty disposition).
Crocus sativus: Physical sensations and mental/emotional conditions change frequently; impressionable; vividly remembers music heard; lack of boundaries, wants to hug everyone; delusion of being pregnant, something feels alive in abdomen or other body parts; hysterical overreactions; hemorrhages, effusion of blood in clots held together by strings.
Tarentula hispanica: Great susceptibility to music and rhythm; fear on seeing the color black; red, yellow, and green leave deep mental impression as well; easily impressed by sexual presentations; hysterical overreactions; great nervous sensitivity; sensitive hepatic region; hepatic spots on skin.
Viola odorata: Overly sensitive and impressionable; suffers from hearing music, especially the violin; mild, fair, tall and slender, nervous type; instability of mind/emotions; hysterical overreactions; can have  clairvoyant-like, lucid intellect; (supra-orbital neuralgia).


Botanical name: Vitis vinifera Linn.
Family: Vitaceae
  • English: Vine, Wine Grape, European Grape;
  • Spanish: Vid;
  • French: Vigne;
  • German: Weinrebe, Echte Weintraube.


Feels empowered and strong as a person; “born leader” types. Overambitious, oriented toward achievement and power.  High expectations toward own self and toward others; demanding and exacting.  Able to develop strong willpower and personal resolve; high self-discipline in regard to goals and accomplishments.  Self-righteous and self-serving, believes to be entitled to be in charge of others.  May resort to violence, threats, overt or covert manipulations to realize own goals.
Insensitivity or cruelty of heart; lack of empathy.  Haughtiness and arrogance; egotism; lack of humble and service-oriented attitude; (delusions of grandeur in mental illness).  Incensed at being humiliated or disrespected. May appear emotionally closed and stubborn; unyielding, brazen-faced. Persisted-in refusal to cooperate, to acquire a socially sound and respectfull attitude. Rebelliousness or passive-aggressive manipulations if suppressed in the personal right for self-expression and self-determination; [disruptive behavior disorder (especially conduct disorder), problems with impulse control, passive-aggressive personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder, borderline personality disorder; factitious disorder and malingering, these disorders denoting feigning of illness and procrastination for personal gain].
  • MIND – WILL – strong will power


Intimidating posture, overbearing demeanor, gestures of dominance. Vigorous, often healthful appearance; exuding strength; may have paucity of physical symptoms due to exercising the right of self-determination and due to self-indulgence. Muscular tension. Pushes own self and that of others to limits of endurance; may become exhausted and burnt-out.  Forcefulness of will and overambitiousness create overexertion of the organism, especially of the heart muscle (coronary heart disease); Hypertension from enhanced self-control and suppression of enmity, though driven by a need to assert.  Migraine headaches and other complaints from being undermined; may manipulate others with illness. Thwarted ambition to achieve manifests in gastric ulcer formation.
Physical complaints tend to manifest primarily as the urge to dominate is suppressed by inevitable circumstance; internal rebelliousness and/or feelings of being thwarted create disturbance in the organism; the main indications on the mental/emotional plane, those determining the choice of Bach remedy, may move into other remedy selections as the Vine tendency abates.
May have high sex drive. (In gemmotherapy, based on the medicinal use of young shoots and buds, Vitis vinifera has been found to have an affinity with white blood cell   regulation and bone metabolism, while addressing bone deformities.)
  • Coronary heart disease  
  • Gastric and duodenal ulcers – overambitious patients  
  • Hyperthyroidism  Hypertension  Migraines 
  • Gastric and duodenal ulcers – tyrannical patients


Vervain: Excessive willpower and overambitious drive; attempts to convert others to own opinion; impulsive urges.
Chicory: Overly interested in controlling or manipulating others; the goal is to stimulate their devotion and gratitude; feigning of illness to gain attention (also Heather).
Beech: Controls others by critical and fault-finding attitude.
Impatiens: Works and achieves at efficient and fast pace; impatient and demanding with those slower and less efficient; problems with impulse control (also Cherry Plum).
Water Violet: Feels superior and believes own self to be more capable than others.
Holly: Abusiveness and outbursts of temper from feeling threatened or undermined; irritated by sensory impressions; problems with impulse control.
Chestnut Bud: Failure to learn from mistakes; moral immaturity; persists in wrong-doing, may be careless with others; malingering.
Willow: Resenting others, blaming others, with efforts to manipulate and retaliate; aggressive, passive-aggressive, disruptive behavior; feigning of sickness and malingering.

Homoeopathic Medicine  and  Vine

Lycopodium clavatum: Overambitious, craves power and recognition; dictatorial and tyrannical with subordinates and family, while subservient to authority; egotism; migraines; hypertension; gastric ulcers develop when thwarted or humiliated; high sex drive.
Nitricum acidum: Dictatorial, critical, and dissatisfied; gastric ulcer; (ulceration with splinter-like pains in places where mucous membranes meet the skin).
Chelidonium majus: Very forceful personality, wants to control others; self-control is high, overambitious and exacting; controls own self in regard to emotions that are not indulged in, does not allow for temper outbursts, controls others with subtle tyranny; migraines; muscular tension.
Nux vomica: Ambitious and overly driven; demanding and exacting with others, assumes role of executive; does not like to be challenged or contradicted; egotism; migraines; heart complaints; hypertension; gastric ulcers from being thwarted and from excessive demands; general muscular tension and rigidity; high sex drive.
Platinum: Dictatorial and haughty; self-absorbed and self-admiring, egotism; ruthless; constrictive headaches and migraines; muscular contractions and muscular tension, constricting feeling; high sex drive.
Apis mellifica: Busy, active, vital, and controlling; does not tolerate to be thwarted, reacts with rage; tired and bruised feeling in extremities; (connective tissue disease); high sex drive.
Aurum metallicum: Ambitious and seriously given to tasks; may appear ominous or intimidating; egotism; does not tolerate humiliation or failure, easily offended; outbursts of anger; affections of the heart; hypertension; (connective tissue disease).
Medorrhinum: Interested in fulfillment of needs and passions; can be cruel and demanding; migraines; hypertension; gastric ulcers from being thwarted; high sex drive.
Palladium: Wants to control social situation by pleasing and manipulating others; egotism; easily offended, easily feels left out.
Lilium tigrinum: Tyrannical and demanding attitude; expects to be served and cherished, longs for noble and fine things; extremely irritable on being thwarted; affections of the heart; high sex drive.