Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Botanical name : Juglans regia Linn.
Family : Juglandaceae
Synonyms :
  • Latin: Juglans regia var. sinensis C. DC.;
  • English: English Walnut, European walnut, Persian walnut
  • Spanish: Nogal;
  • French: Noyer d’ Europe, Noyer commun, Noix commune;
  • German: Gemeiner Walnussbaum.


Heightened impressionability and suggestibility. The inner center of stability is not fortified; outside impressions reach the very core of the person. Lack of internal discerning and evaluating power. Wrong ideals, trends and fads bend the soul and create “shallow dreams,” do not further a healthy self-esteem; (for example, eating disorders are often based on achieving the desired imagined slim look). Increased susceptibility to peer pressure; succumbing to detrimental actions or habits. Easily mesmerized and misled by forceful or ominous persons; easily prone to admiration of others, may even adopt their way of talking and moving. Unwholesome impressions, such as witnessing crimes or accidents, leave a deep mark, disturb inner peace, create an anxious tendency. Vulnerable to being abused or treated with force; suffers deeply. Easily impressed emotionally, may overreact; (nervous, hysterical overreactions). Easily stirred in one’s imagination, prone superstitions, forebodings; readily subjected to “ghost terror” or nightmares; (clairvoyance; delusional disorders of being possessed or impinged upon root in this psychological lack of boundaries). Increased dependability on structure, as life’s stability gives frame of reference to the vulnerable inner self. During important transitions of life, as one structure exchanges with another, Walnut breaks the link and creates positive adaptability; the remedy gives protection from misguiding influences during the transitional phase.
  • MIND – CONCENTRATION – difficult 
  • MIND – CONFUSION of mind – morning
  •  MIND – CONFUSION of mind – eating – amel.
  •  MIND – DELUSIONS – floating – air, in
  •  MIND – DELUSIONS – flying
  •  MIND – DELUSIONS – head – floating
  •  MIND – DELUSIONS – intoxicated – is; he
  •  MIND – DELUSIONS – poisoned – he – has been
  •  MIND – DELUSIONS – vertigo – having vertigo
  •  MIND – DISCONTENTED – evening
  •  MIND – EXCITEMENT – evening – bed, in
  •  MIND – EXCITEMENT – wine – as from
  •  MIND – IRRITABILITY – evening
  •  MIND – MENTAL EXERTION – aversion to
  •  MIND – RESTLESSNESS – bed – tossing about in 


May appear ethereal and fragile, easily impressed and shaken. Mentally “spaced-out,” feels as if uplifted or floating.  Clairvoyant lucidity. Low nerve stamina; impressions disturb and “unnerve” from deep within. As mental impressions are not assimilated well, there are also nutritional failures or sensitivities of assimilation.  Eating disorders.  Tendency to allergic reactions, general oversensitivity of the organism.  Chemical sensitivities such as overreactions to smell, to fluorescent light, to computers and radiation (may be related to thyroid imbalances); sensitive to atmospheric changes.  Hemorrhages.  Gastric and duodenal ulcers from being overly impressed by the advantage of others, while having lack in one’s own life. Spinal instability; instability of posture Sexual hypersensitivity and pathological arousal from sexual impressions. (In homeopathic use, Juglans regia has been employed in states of oversensitivity, especially in regard to the skin; an intoxicated feeling of floating in air has been observed among the symptoms.* In gemmotherapy, by use of the plant’s young shoots or buds, this remedy has been found of value in varicose ulcers and skin infections such as impetigo and infected eczema.)
  • Gastric and duodenal ulcers – overambitious patients 
  • Liver and gallbladder disturbance
  • Any physical illness based on conversion disorder (or hysterical neurosis, conversion type)  
  • Skin allergies  
  • Eating disorders (anorexia nervosa and bulimia)


Aspen: Overly prone to superstitions, forebodings, irrational fears; heightened nervous sensitivity and anxiety; lack of boundaries of consciousness.
Cerato: Lack of inner stability and decisive power, lack of discerning and evaluating capacity; easily influenced by others, often to the core of identity; easily swayed. and impressed.
Agrimony: Cannot withstand negative news or impressions, does not “digest and assimilate” unwholesome experiences and impressions; attempts to  suppress or ignore them.
Centaury: Easily mesmerized and swayed by forceful personality, serviceable attitude.
Water Violet: Vulnerable to outside impressions; finely tuned receptivity, yet feels superior and aloof.
Clematis: Prone to live by dreams and neglect reasonable application to reality; easily impressed and unnerved by sensory impressions; clairvoyance.
Wild Oat: Prone to lack of direction and stability; lack of motivational direction and clarity of purpose.
Cherry Plum: Oversensitive to outside impressions; sensory and nervous vulnerability; heightened sensitivity to sexual impressions.

Homoeopathic Medicine  and  Walnut

Phosphorus: Ethereal and clairvoyant; easily impressed by sensory impact, as well as by other persons, even assumes the idiosyncrasies of others; hysterical overreactions; fear of the unseen world, forebodings; sensitive to thunderstorms; failure of nutritional assimilation; gastric ulcer; congestion of liver, hepatitis, jaundice (yellow spots on abdomen); allergies; chemical hypersensitivity; environmental illness; easily diffusing strength of mind/emotions and body; hemorrhages; nightmares.
Thuja occidentalis: Personal uncertainty, coupled with heightened impressionability; yields to peer pressure; may be drawn to parapsychological phenomena; soul feels as if separating from body; prone to feeling fragile and sensitive in mind/emotions and body; music causes weeping and trembling; bulimia; painful pressure in hepatic region; allergies.
Argentum nitricum: Suggestibility and impressionability; mental thought processes unstable and erratic, sudden impulsive thinking; forebodings and superstitions, complaints from anticipation; gastric ulcer; nervous depletion; sensitivity to external impressions; yellowish skin.
Natrum carbonicum: Difficulty processing and assimilating ideas and mental impressions; overly sensitive to certain persons, to music; hysterical overreactions; failure of food assimilation; food allergies, sensitive to milk; gastric ulcer; chronic inflammation of liver; sensitivity to the sun and to atmospheric changes; nervous depletion; jaundice.
Kali phosphoricum: Overly fatigued mentally, often after prolonged effort;  sensitive and irritable in face of stimuli; unfavorable reactions to hearing of bad news or catastrophes; hysterical overreactions; gastric ulcer; food intolerances; region of liver is tender on pressure; vital depletion after chemotherapy or cancer surgery; nightmares.
Cannabis indica: Clairvoyance, ecstatic states, delusions; out-of-body experiences; hazy thinking; lacks direction, disoriented in life, lack of sense of identity; sensation as if floating in air; symptoms come on from loss of structure, for example when moving or traveling; sensitive to coffee, alcohol, and tobacco; nightmares.
Asarum europaeum: Hypersensitive to stimuli, especially to scratching or penetrating noise; intense nervous erethism; feels as if floating in air; mere imagination arouses nervousness and anticipatory fears; overly conscientious; hysterical overreaction; anorexia nervosa; [food allergies, especially to eggs; failure to assimilate, especially calcium; heightened amounts of copper in organism (nutritional aspects from author's case observation)]; chemical hypersensitivity.
Antimonium crudum: Overly impressed by romantic, sentimental content, especially aroused by moonlight; even driven to suicide from exposure to moonlight and from underlying sense of being unfulfilled or from loathing life; nervous sensitivity; also shows great sensitivity to the sun, to cold bathing; very easily disturbed digestion; cannot tolerate sour food, yet craves it; gastric ulcer.
Colchicum autumnale: Suffers deeply from being abused, very vulnerable to impressions; odors are not tolerated, specifically the odors of eggs and fish create nausea; also bright lights and the misbehavior of others disturb mental peace; (gastroenteritis); pain over liver; (gouty disposition).
Crocus sativus: Physical sensations and mental/emotional conditions change frequently; impressionable; vividly remembers music heard; lack of boundaries, wants to hug everyone; delusion of being pregnant, something feels alive in abdomen or other body parts; hysterical overreactions; hemorrhages, effusion of blood in clots held together by strings.
Tarentula hispanica: Great susceptibility to music and rhythm; fear on seeing the color black; red, yellow, and green leave deep mental impression as well; easily impressed by sexual presentations; hysterical overreactions; great nervous sensitivity; sensitive hepatic region; hepatic spots on skin.
Viola odorata: Overly sensitive and impressionable; suffers from hearing music, especially the violin; mild, fair, tall and slender, nervous type; instability of mind/emotions; hysterical overreactions; can have  clairvoyant-like, lucid intellect; (supra-orbital neuralgia).


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