Monday, June 25, 2012

Rock Rose

Botanical Name: Helianthemum nummularium
Family: Cistaceae
  • English : Common Rock Rose
  • German: Gelbes Sonnenröschen


Acute response of terror to imminent threat of a severe kind. Acute fear of death, either in regard to one’s own life or that of another. Shock from fright and long-lasting chronic complaints from such fright, such as nervousness, timidity, phobias, nightmares, insomnia; (post-traumatic stress disorder, adjustment disorder that classifies reactions to a less severe trauma). Intense phobic reactions and fixations, frightful delusions, nightmares that develop gradually due to predominantly intrapsychic reasons rather than having been prompted by a severe shock; (anxiety disorder, panic disorder). Fragility of nerves; starts easily, frightened easily, fears approaching objects, generally apprehensive and fearful of new challenges. Chronic want of nerve power from prolonged fearful worry, from leading a demanding and hectic life, from prolonged loss of sleep. Instability of emotions, weepiness, irrationality, fears of abandonment, and feelings of helplessness. Advanced hypochondriasis and fearfully escalating sensation during observation of symptoms. Intense nervousness and feelings of being threatened can give rise to aggressive states, impatience, and violence.
  • MIND – ANXIETY – beside oneself from anxiety; being
  • MIND – ANXIETY – fear; with
  • MIND – FEAR – death, of
  • MIND – FEAR – sudden


Nervous system is depleted, fragile; lack of stamina on all levels of human being. Threatened or acute nervous breakdown. Hypersensitivity of the senses; noise, bright light, odors, jars disturb deeply and set the nervous system on edge. Acute states of anxiety, marked by accelerated heart and breathing rhythm, choking sensation and constricted breath, dry mouth, indigestion with possible nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, dizziness and fainting, perspiration, internal and external trembling. Chronic states of anxiety present the acute features in varying degrees of intensity. Insomnia and nightmares. Intensification of symptoms by anxious observation and exaggerated imagination, as happens in cardiac neurosis. Indicated during especially frightful or painful procedures of rehabilitation and recuperation. Muscular rigidity in manic and catatonic states that are marked by terror.
  • Cardiac neurosis
  • ‘Emotional diarrhea’
  • Hyperventilation syndrome


Mimulus: Mild phobias, chronic timidity, nervous anticipation, fear of renewed injury during convalescence.
Cherry Plum: Nervous breakdown; aggression and violence from nervous strain and from intense intrapsychic fear of losing control; nervous and sensory oversensitivity. Aspen: Phobic reactions in regard to broad or natural phenomena such as water, wind, open spaces; nightmares with sinister character.
Red Chestnut: Fear for the welfare of another; fragility of nerves.
Vervain: Intense nervous strain from overexertion of the will and from having to guide and control others; nervous breakdown; nerves are on edge, sensory oversensitivity.
Impatiens: Highly strung nerves; tension, with loss of temper, restless and impatient; nervous breakdown; nervous and sensory oversensitivity.
Holly: Aggressiveness and violence from being threatened; easily vexed; nervous and sensory oversensitivity. Star of Bethlehem: Trauma after grievous or frightful experiences, with connotation of sadness.

Homoeopathic Medicine and Rock Rose

Asarum europaeum: Profound fragility and sensitivity of nervous system; very apprehensive, performance anxiety; wants to do a good job, hands start perspiring when merely imagining the tasks ahead; extreme sensitivity to noise; internal trembling; tendency to diarrhea; perspiration from anxiety; severe insomnia, inability to fall asleep due to nervousness.
Opium (Papaver somniferum): Acute states of shock and fright, with loss of power of consciousness; chronic effects from fright; aggravation of symptoms and new fright on recollection of frightful experiences; drowsy, rather pleasant, dream-like, stuporous state or acuity of senses (alternation between those states can occur); acute diarrhea from fright, chronic constipation from inactivity of the bowels after a shock (small intestine particularly); tremor and insomnia; (head injuries).
Arnica montana: Fragility of nerves, may come on after overexertion or after accidents; feels unprotected and vulnerable, is threatened by moving objects or when meeting a forceful person, fears being injured; cardiac neurosis, fear of heart disease (especially at night); dysentery; insomnia, cannot sleep from bruised and exhausted feeling, bed feels too injuries).
Aconitum napellus: Fear of death, predicts the hour of own death; anxiety states following experiences of fright or shock; phobic reactions in regard to crowded rooms, airplanes, earthquakes, heart disease (cardiac neurosis); heart palpitations or pulsations after fright; perspiration from anxiety; restlessness and sleeplessness from anxiety and agitation.
Argentum nitricum: Fearful imagination and apprehension; anxious impulsiveness; claustrophobia; fears disease, heights, being late, heart disease; anxious observation of symptoms (as in cardiac neurosis); diarrhea from apprehension (‘emotional diarrhea’); generally nervous, sensitive, and suggestible. especially around 4 a.m. ; (easily frightened infants with dread and anxiety on being put down).
Ignatia amara: Chronic effects from fright, shock, or grief; nervous apprehension; taciturn state, withholding of emotions; weight upon the chest, difficult inspiration with desire to take a deep breath, rapid expiration (hyperventilation syndrome), sighing respiration; diarrhea from fright; spasmodic, nervous, sensitive condition; light sleep, jerking of limbs on going to sleep.
Arsenicum album: Great fear of death, sensation that death is near; restless anguish; fear of solitude, of robbers and ghosts; strong anxiety of conscience; cardiac neurosis; ‘emotional diarrhea’; fragility of nerves and oversensitivity of senses; perspiration from anxiety; insomnia and nightmares, with restlessness


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